District 9 Date

The online guy and I scheduled to meet in front of the movie theatre about 45 minutes before our planned movie time so that we could eat first. I arrived first. When the online guy arrived, he said he had had a big lunch and wasn’t really hungry. Even though I had had only a light lunch of frozen yogurt with my big sister from work, I didn’t want to force him to eat or watch me eat (I like being accommodating). We instead caught an earlier showing of District 9 and completely skipped having dinner together. We bought our own tickets (but I later thought to myself that I should have bought his ticket because he bought me dinner last time).

I had mentioned to the online guy that I don’t really watch scary movies, so he kept apologizing when every trailer we saw before the movie started was for a scary movie. It was cute. District 9 is definitely not my usual kind of movie (he knew that too), but I liked it! The story was really interesting and well told.

The online guy and I didn’t talk much during the movie, but we talked for a bit in the parking lot afterwards. We hugged at the end of the night, and he said I could pick the movie next time, but I don’t really think our movie night counted as a date. We seem to be more like two friends hanging out, which is okay with me. I still had a pretty good night!

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One Response to “District 9 Date”

  1. Amy Says:

    Sounds fun…. thinking of you!

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